Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Done. Completely Done.

I can finally take a deep breath and relax.  Why you may ask?

Well, the university posted my bill ( much I owe. The bill will be posted tomorrow and there I'll get the address to send a check) and they have the correct amount of money due. Only the refunded money that I was given to live on.

Thank goodness.

I was really worried about that. I was supposed to be given email confirmation about both of the petitions I filed and I haven't heard about either one. But clearly since the amount is right, at least one of them was approved. I just wish I knew which one. Mostly because I'd like to know what/if I have a transcript at the university now (one of the petitions was to wipe it clean so I wouldn't have W's and therefore wouldn't need to send it out if I ever decided to do this goofy thing again), but I'm sure not going to order a transcript to find out. Cheapest transcript is an etranscript and it's $10, plus a $3 notary fee.

Why are transcripts a rip off everywhere except the undergraduate institution I graduated from? They were completely free there, whether is was an etranscript or a hard copy...

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