Thursday, September 27, 2012

Job Hunting

Well I've been back in my hometown for about five days now. Job hunting, of course, has so far been one of my main priorities. Well, that and attempting to clean the basement so I can sleep in a bed again instead of sleeping on a couch.

The job market is looking a little better than when I first graduated last year. By better I mean that there are actually job postings I've found that say undergraduate degree in mathematics. I was convinced that they didn't exist last year. No real bites yet on the job line, but it's only been a few days. Fingers crossed that something shows up soon. I've got a wedding to save for.

Besides that, I got to hang out with my best friend yesterday. She didn't get into medical school this year and doesn't really want to get a job, so she worries me. She's babysitting 4 days a week now and calling it full-time, while supposedly applying to masters programs to supposedly help her get into med school later. I'm skeptic, but whatever.

The part that really frustrates me though is she believes my graduate school experiences are completely isolated or because I was a PhD student. I tried to tell her, direct her towards other post-academic sites, that no, it's not just an isolated incident or academia. That's really how the graduate studies world is. She thinks that she going to waltz in, take graduate level classes, and do nothing else at all. Sigh. Let's just see it she even gets into graduate school.

In other daily life, best friend, sister, mom, and I are going to my other sister's marching band competition on Saturday. I'm super excited. I spent most of my high school years in that same marching band and have some pretty awesome memories from it. 

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