Thursday, October 4, 2012

Officially Employed

So as of 1 o'clock this afternoon, I am officially employed. Full-time. I'm super duper excited. Everybody told me I was being ridiculous with my impatience, and I was being unrealistic expecting jobs to call me back so quickly. Well guess what.

I applied for this job on Tuesday. That's right, just 48 hours ago. The president of the company called me that night and set up an interview for yesterday, just 18 hours after I applied. And this morning, 24 hours after interviewing, the manager at the company called and gave me the job offer. So there everybody who told me to shut up and wait.

I'm very excited, especially because I'll be using a lot of math; the manager specifically told me that I'd need calculus, which I'm definitely comfortable with since you know, I TAUGHT calculus at the university level. Plus, eventually down the road they want me to take an exam to get a license (I'm talking years), and they're willing to pay for all the prep materials and the exam itself. So happy.

I feel like I definitely deserved this after all I've been through with that graduate university. I think it's the universe paying me back for handling it as well as I could.

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