Sunday, September 23, 2012

Back at my Parent's House

Well I'm finally out of that god awful state where my graduate university was located. My dad got there at 6am on Friday morning, and we left that afternoon. We drove for half the night, but it was nice just to be far away from there.

Weird thing that happened though: some chick called, texted, and emailed me repeatedly. I only answered the call because I recognized the area code as where my fiance's stationed and maybe had a mini panic attack that something might be wrong and he was calling me from someone else's phone. But it wasn't, it was her. I guess her husband's stationed at the same naval base and she was all "Let's be friends! I know how hard it is being a graduate student and a military spouse! I understand your situation better than anybody!"...well...while the friend support thing would've been nice I suppose, but she seems to clearly be missing the boat (no pun intended...) that the whole debacle with the university had absolutely nothing to do with my fiance being stationed elsewhere. Do I miss him? Of course. Did I drop out of graduate school because he was in a different state? No. He just spent three years overseas, the next year at the most wasn't ideal or fun being apart, but we would've made it work.

Anyway moving on from crazy broads...

Being back at my parents' has been nothing but stressful. My dad so nicely told me that he hates my fiance, doesn't want to walk me down the aisle (which I guess is a good thing cause I didn't want him to anyway), and doesn't want to come to my wedding. My sister has been making snide comments about me trying to clean up the basement so I can have a place to sleep, and apparently according to her I can't even walk the dog correctly. You know, minus the fact that he's my dog. I brought him home, trained him, feed him, etc.

Besides family drama, I've been trying to look for a job. I found an ad the other day, and it was the first one I've ever seen with the magic words in it. "Bachelor's degree in mathematics." Exciting stuff. So fingers crossed something comes through relatively soon. I'd like to have a job and treat myself to a nice present to make myself feel better after the month of hell at that university and the hell of moving back to my hometown. Maybe a pair of Uggs or something.

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