Sunday, August 26, 2012

Drink That Kool-Aid, Follow My Lead

Well, this weekend I went to a BBQ at the house of one of the guys from my department. It was pretty boring (I mean...we watched three hours of Star Wars...come on I'm a trekkie here...), but the food was good and free, which is always a bonus because I'm broke big time cause of the school's screw up in my offer letter. And he attempted to give us a "pep talk" that was really just more depressing than anything.

I was talking with my fiance today (yes,  I actually got to TALK to him! Best feeling in the world) and was going through expenses, the offer letter, and all around just finally having somebody to complain to. I ended up showing him this other blog that I found called From Grad School to Happiness because it's really been helping me cope with all the issues I've been having. Anyway, my fiance, after reading some of it, made the statement that grad school was akin to a cult. And I laughed, but it took me a few moments to realize just how right he was.

In fact, the guy who held the BBQ this weekend has joked several times in the past week about "drinking the kool-aid." How very Jim Jones of him. He also harped several times how we, as new graduate students, make more money than him (which is not true in my case), and the job he has now that he abhors will soon to fall on our shoulders. Like I said, great pep talk.

To top all of that wonderful information off, I found out the department is already planning on whisking me off around the world. Either Europe, Central America, or some island. Once again, was not informed of it. I was know...Montana. Or something similar. I've already played the international relationship game, since the fiance's in the Navy and all, for FAR longer than I care to admit. So pretty basically, the department's saying, "Well hey, just switch roles."

Besides that, it was finally nice to just sit around for most of the weekend. Yes, I did work. Yes, I feel absolutely guilty that I'm sitting here blogging instead of doing work. Apparently I've sipped the kool-aid, but not enough to completely brainwash me and I'm seeing things that I don't like early one. I got to actually bake (*GASP* do something for myself?) cinnamon rolls. It's very nice to be able to eat food I want and not have to worry about it cutting into study time.

Anyways, the offer-letter-typo saga continues on tomorrow. The office aid who made the typo no longer wants to deal with me, so she was supposedly sending an email to set up a meeting with the professor who signed my letter. Well, I didn't trust said aid to actually send the email, so I sent one myself and set up my own meeting. I'll have to get all my papers in order tonight, but so far in my calculations (without counting my electric bill because I don't know what to estimate for it as of yet as I haven't received one yet), I will be almost $2000 in debt because of their typo. So for now, it's still just a wait-and-see game. Lucky me.

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